Monday, 21 May 2012

Its been a while.

Since my last blog post, holy shit. Have things ever been insane.
I dont even really know where to begin either, but an idea I had was (in regards to blogging)
not to worry too much about the pictures just because I feel like I have to blog picture and it is something i'd prefer to blog but its not always convinient and I wanna write on my damn blog! So sacrifices will be made.
Ill of course post images but not as much.
Before i keep rambling.

I have my next shoot for MTV Creeps comming up in 2 days. The day before ill be shooting something for a challenge the contestants have to do which im extremely excited for and cant wait.

While thinking about the chance of me losing this show, I was thinking
"Oh my fuck! I need more projects or i will go insane!"

So I got on my trusted black berry and shot out a few emails. Ive had some ideas in my mind especially with issues surroundng LGBT. The thing with me is i dont necessarily move through life with the thought in my mind that someone, or everyone hates me or dislikes me because im apart of the community and thats why I feel the idea ive had is a perfect idea to push forward because I wont be TOO bias.

Another idea I wont yet discuss but if it works out and yadah, yadah. I think it will seriously be the most fun project i will have ever done..

Anywho, im absolutely dead right now and extremely tired, tomorrow is prep and packing day for my trip to the city for filming and then Ill be thrown in with the tigers.

I hope everyone has a fabulous day/night/morning whichever,wherever

xoxo, Rachel Rehling.