So, this my friends is finally a chance for you to see what I do, I guess- for a living.
Today was my second shoot for the documentary SegreGAYtion which explores and disects segregation and hatred within the LGBT community from different point of view.
Need I say why I was asked to join the project?
This shoot was so much fun and we all had such good vibes and energy going. Which if your close to me you know im big on.
My last shoot was probably a year ago and boy, was the feeling different.
Im not one to lie to myself, but honey in under a year have I ever grown and matured so much.
it's literally insane.
While filming I was asked questions about myself as a trans individual and about my experience on MTV Creeps and of course related it back to the documentay, as well as how I feel about other trans people.
A viewers of mtv creeps and a twitter friend of mine, pointed out how she loved my facial expression on the mtv creeps reunion and the whole season in general. So when i noticed that all the pictures my friend took were basically of facial expressions (because i talked to much and to fast for him to get still shots) I uploaded the photos to facebook, and then thought i should update this old thing and here they are for all of google seaarching addicts and my supporters viewing pleasure!
^boob check. One, two, one, two.
^in the midst of shooting, so hot I almost melted! Thank god for that umbrella and MAC fix+
Im sure here I was saying something along the lines of what Id normally say
"I dont give a flying fuck what anyone has to say about me. If i did MTV would have laughed at my profile and moved on to the next bitch."
^One of my favourite shots
^ Seems like a serious part of the conversation
^ Taking direction, like anexperienced camera slut
^ Done, done and done. Lets go EAT!
As the shoot came to an end for me and they moved onto the next interview for the day I was so happy with the way things went yet so sad.
Sad because i love working on set and especially with such great people like Christine and Nathan (the directors/producers). They've always made me feel so fucking comfortable and we always have great conversations and i knew on set it would not be any different.
Lots of laughs, camera angle adjustments and questions we were finished.
Thank you guys so much for a fantastic day.
xoxo, Rachel Rehling
You're very sexy!